29 November 2011

Coco Robicheaux

Coco Robicheaux

Coco passed on the night of the 25th. He and I were not close but when ever we met, he made me feel like we were best of friends. He made the sculpture of Professor Longhair that sits at the head of Napoleon Ave just across from Tipitina's 

Sometimes I walk all by myself
I don’t want to talk to no one else
And I close my eyes
And I feel the spirit rise
He claimed to be Cajun and Choctaw, not an unusual mix; most people down here are similarly mixed. Everything about Coco was mixed, which was a great thing. He was generous and gracious. He was a wonderful man who shared his spirit with anyone willing to share his joy.
I miss him.

28 November 2011

Redemption's New Chef

It has been 3 weeks and, now that Poppy Tooker has announced it, I can say the new Chef at Redemption is Greg Picolo, known for his excellent work at Bistro at Maison de Ville. He is well versed in Creole Cuisine; indeed, one of his first post-Turkey day lunch dishes was Turkey Poulette. Need I say more? The man can cook. 

08 November 2011

Redemption has a New Chef

Redemption has hired a new Chef who starts this week. He is very accomplished and has penned a couple of books. I am looking forward to working with such a talented man. He won't be at Beer and Boudin this Friday, which is a shame, but you can expect to see him represent Redemption at most culinary events in the future.

Stay tuned....

Herman Cain's Stunning Art Project

Did you see Rachel Maddow's show Friday night? She shared a revelation (try to ignore the lying propaganda from ExxonMobile about "shale" oil) about Herman Cain that was blindingly brilliant. How did I not see it? 
I was waiting for the lame stream media to pick up on this, or, when that didn't happen, for John Stewart or Stephen Colbert to notice. But yesterday passed with nary a mention.

I am accustomed to the mincing mainstream media ignoring big issues -- 2 big ones are: 

1. The arrest and deportation of some of the Irish and Canadian Freedom Flotilla crews and journalists by Israeli forces

2. The lawsuit filed on behalf of thousands of Haitians against the UN for the introduction of cholera into Haiti.

But to ignore Rachel's revelation about Cain is mind boggling.

I begin to suspect that the women coming forward to accuse him of sexual harassment are part of his art project. Sound far fetched? Explain this bizarre Smoking Man commercial that Mark Block made: